In working with farmers, I always hear about the importance of good maintenance. When it comes to your equipment, you wouldn’t think twice about spending the time, money and effort to inspect, c...
Are you looking for a way to diversify your grain marketing plan, and a disciplined approach to forward marketing? Superior Ag is once again partnering with JSA to offer a third-party managed bushel p...
Superior Ag is excited to announce the acquisition of the Summit River Terminal near Rockport, IN, and future construction of a 32,000-ton dry fertilizer distribution facility that will feature direct...
Indiana-based agricultural cooperative, Superior Ag recently approved the payout of $2.5 million back to its member-owners in the form of cash patronage and equity. Each year, Superior Ag members bene...
When you partner with Superior Ag for your livestock nutritional needs this show season, we want to celebrate your success with you with our new Show Ring Success program! If your animal is selected a...
Each year at Superior Ag’s Agronomic Knowledge Day, guests are encouraged to learn, engage, network and succeed together. This year’s event was held on August 15, and we were thrilled by t...
I’m Riley, the Superior Ag Marketing Intern for the summer of 2024. I’ve been beyond excited to gain a real-world experience and head back to Purdue with a better understanding of my inter...
Mark your calendars for Thursday, August 15th for our annual Agronomic Knowledge Day! This event is an incredible opportunity to hear industry professionals speak various topics. We are ext...
Our troops defend our country and our people every day. This Fourth of July, we wanted them to know how much we appreciate what they do for us. For the 16th year, CountryMark hosted it&rsqu...
This past March, the Texas panhandle fought devastating fires in rural areas, resulting in more than 1.2 million acres being burned. As the largest wildfire in Texas history, it projected a total loss...
A growing number of Americans are thinking about sustainability and their carbon footprint. This is leading consumers to cook more meals from produce and meat they've raised themselves, sw...
Superior Ag recently paid a total of $2.7 million back to its member-owners in the form of cash patronage and equity. Each year, Superior Ag members benefit from the company’s success by sharing...
Superior Ag donated $4,060 to local FFA Chapters to end FFA Week on a high note. Thank you to all of the Superior Ag members that attended our Annual Meeting, bid on silent auction items, and int...
Superior Ag Marketing Communications Manager, Chelsea O’Brien, was recognized as one of the 2023 Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) Rising Stars at the 2023 ARA Conference & ...
Every summer, Superior Ag offers a variety of summer internship positions to high school and college students. These positions are full-time and last the duration of the summer. The start and end date...
Sixteen years after its formation as one cooperative from the union of four longtime county Farm Bureau Co-ops, southern Indiana-based Superior Ag has given its iconic red-and-black logo a visual rech...
Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. Luckily, we all have the freedom to choose how we spend those hours that we are given. Some choose to work 8 hours, some choose to work 12 hours, most farmers ...
Our annual Agronomic Knowledge Day is coming up on Thursday, August 10! Like last year’s event, it will be held at our Answer Plot Vision Site in Dale, Ind. With a meal catered by Catering by Me...
Indiana-based agricultural cooperative, Superior Ag announced today that Richard Lloyd will be the incoming President and CEO following Barry Day’s retirement on September 1.
Summertime is upon us, which means outdoor activities, longer days, and higher temperatures. Especially for those who work outside or have physically demanding jobs, this time of year can take a toll ...
With 4-H fairs quickly approaching, we wish all our local 4-H’ers good luck as they put the finishing touches on their projects. Every 4-H’er looks forward to their county or 4-H fair beca...
As we wrap up Mental Health Month, we wanted to share a few resources to help end the stigma. Mental illness can often look like someone who works till the job is done or someone that is very passiona...
Indiana-based agricultural cooperative, Superior Ag recently paid a total of $3.5 million back to its member-owners in the form of cash patronage and equity. Each year, Superior Ag members benefit fro...
Superior Ag announced today the appointment of Ben Duttlinger to its Board of Directors. His appointment was announced to members at the Superior Ag Annual Meeting that was held on April 18, 2023, in ...
We always strive to provide you with important industry information and updates as they come available. Since so many of our farmers apply their own crop nutrients, pesticides, and herbicides we ...
After thirteen years as President and CEO of Superior Ag, Barry Day has shared his intention to retire on September 1, 2023. Day’s career will have spanned 40 years in the Indiana Cooperative sy...
Superior Ag announced today Jeremy Oeding as Manager of the Superior Ag Feed Store in Dale, Ind. Along with Oeding, Superior Ag announced Makayla Philpott as the Feed Store Assistant Manager.
One of Superior Ag’s missions always striving to stay on the forefront of innovation. Each season, the agronomy division at Superior Ag hosts a WinField AnswerPlot and collects data from member-...
Now is the time to start thinking about improving your planter pass for the 2023 season. Adam Messmer says, “It’s important to improve your planter pass, and you can do so by getting your ...
Knowledge Day is just around the corner! This year’s event will be held at our Answer Plot Vision Site in Dale, Ind. on Thursday, August 11th. The morning session has registration beginning at 7...
Superior Ag today announced that Kevin Blankenship has joined the company’s leadership team as the new Chief Financial Officer.
Superior Ag is excited to participate in CountryMark’s Fueling Freedom campaign once again on Friday, June 24th between noon and 5 p.m. at our Huntingburg and Princeton Superior Ag Co...
Superior Ag announced today the appointment of Joe Steinkamp to its Board of Directors. His appointment was announced to members at the Superior Ag Annual Meeting that was held on April 7, 2022, in Ch...
As show season ramps up across the area, you can look no further than Superior Ag for your show feed and show accessory needs. With expert sales professionals and a state-of-the-art feed mill, we are ...
Over the last two years, farmers have persevered through uncertain times by continuing to provide essential food and resources. Even in the toughest of times, food continues to connect the world by br...
This week is National FFA Week! It is a time to celebrate and highlight FFA traditions. For the past 94 years, FFA has promoted agriculture through leadership, service, and career development. T...
Superior Ag is now offering farmers access to CENTURO® nitrogen stabilizer, a Koch Agronomic Services (KAS) nitrogen efficiency product, at their Owensboro Riverport Authority bulk term...
While the combines were running, we had the opportunity to get out into the field and filming some of our growers in action. As I watched the sun set upon us, I was reminded that farmers don&rsqu...
This week is National 4-H Week. I encourage everyone, young and old, to step outside their comfort zone and see what 4-H can spark in you!
As fall arrives and harvest season comes to its peak, the need to share the road with farm equipment becomes a necessity in many of our local communities. In honor of National Farm Safety Week, Superi...
Nutrition is a key aspect to all successful livestock operations. Especially for the young producers that show livestock, learning to feed the correct diet can help produce a more competitive show ani...
Megan Hasenour | Marketing Communications Manager
September: National Suicide Prevention Month
Help end hunger, by donating your abundant produce!
Todd Meyer | Agronomy Sales Manager
Megan Hasenour | Marketing Communication Manager
Posted on Behalf of Superior Ag Board of Directors
Mark Dobbyn | Agronomist at Patoka Branch
Elizabeth Lewis | Customer Service Representative
Posted by Megan Hasenour | Marketing Communications Manager
Kylie Giesler | Ag Marketing Intern
Nick Michel | Grain Division Manager
Megan Haasenour | Marketing Communications Manager
Jesse Uebelhor | Division Agronomist
Abby Steinkamp | Agronomy Communication Intern
Adam Messmer | Precision Planting Specialist
Jason Lueken | Precision Ag Manager