4 Fuel Tips

Right now, your running valuable equipment in your fields and its imperative to know what’s in your fuel tank. The answer may surprise you. Without regular maintenance, your fuel tank can house water, rust, dirt and algae. Debris and other contaminants accelerate fuel degradation and can lead to fuel pump failure and fuel injector plugging. Over time, this can lead to expensive repairs.
To ensure your machinery’s fuel system is safe during harvest, ask yourself the following questions:
1. Have you checked for water in the fuel tank recently?
Water is a five-letter word for trouble when it comes to fuel and your equipment. There are a variety of ways moisture can seep into the tank, one of which is through condensation. As temperatures rise and fall, water droplets form both inside and outside of the tank. If you have damaged vents or hoods, water can also get into your tank during rainfall. Because of this, storage tanks should be checked for water frequently. A variety of monitoring equipment is available, including an automatic gauging system and a gauge stick covered with alcohol-compatible water paste. The paste changes color when water is present. If you’re not sure what kind of equipment your tank has, or if you have not checked for water, contact SynEnergy to have a fuel sample taken from the bottom of your tank.
2. Do you know the best practices for preventing water contamination?
After you determine your tank is water-free, it’s time to develop a plan for keeping that water out. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:
- Make sure the tank-fill area is located above ground for underground tanks.
- Above ground tanks should be located away from areas where rainwater and contaminants could flow in.
- Inspect gaskets, hatches, vents and fill caps for damage. Replace if necessary.
- Check product spill containment buckets. If water is present, do not drain it into the tank. Remove and properly dispose of it instead.
- Have the tank drained and cleaned by professionals in the spring and summer.
3. When was the last time you changed your filter?
We recommend fully cleaning out your tank at least once a year. In addition to this maintenance, filters should be replaced quarterly. Clean filters go a long way to keep rust from forming and dirt from collecting.
4. Does the quality of your fuel meet the advance needs of your equipment?
You’re accustomed to fending off unwanted intruders in your fields. But what about you fuel tanks? When it comes to fuel contaminants, moisture, dirt and debris are the leading culprits, which can spell BIG trouble for today’s more complex, high-pressure diesel engines. More than ever, it’s important to use a premium diesel product that contains a complete additive package, including detergents and fuel stabilizers.
A well-maintained fuel tank will lead to a well-run harvest. Our SynEnergy team can help with any tank maintenance. For any questions or you would like to schedule tank maintenance, contact your fuel driver or by calling our SynEnergy team at 866-329-0081.