
Making the Best of a Tough Market

Corn and soybeans are still the biggest revenue-generators for farmers in southern Indiana and northern Kentucky. Even though we have more ways than ever to market that grain, including soy biodiesel, corn ethanol, feeding livestock and even making bourbon, it still takes a sharp pencil to make a profit today.

That’s why the grain team at Superior Ag stands ready to help you make the best marketing decisions possible, given your individual circumstances. Do you need to sell into the cash market right out of the field? Can you store some or all of your grain on-farm? Does drying and storing your grain with us make sense? Are prices likely to trend higher anytime soon?

Our goal at Superior Ag is to grow our business through enhancing our current and future relationships with producers. In order to reach our goals, our focus is to help producers reach their goals. Grain marketing is a challenge that every producer faces, and we are here to take some of the pressure off in grain marketing decisions. We achieve this through disciplined grain marketing plans, striving to ensure that grain is sold at prices that cover expenses during difficult marketing seasons and also capture opportunities when prices are higher. Please call us today and set up some time for us to review your grain marketing plan.

Cash Bids & Futures + Weather Snapshot

Symbol Last Open Close High Low Change
CORN @C5H 4.5200 4.5525 4.5675 4.5200 -0.0150
CORN @C5K 4.6850 4.6975 4.7275 4.6750 -0.0100
CORN @C5N 4.7525 4.7600 4.7900 4.7400 -0.0050
SOYBEANS @S5H 10.1125 10.1200 10.1450 10.1075 -0.0025
SOYBEANS @S5K 10.2525 10.2600 10.3125 10.2425 -0.0050
SOYBEANS @S5N 10.3950 10.4000 10.4525 10.3850 -0.0050
WHEAT @W5H 5.4375 5.4550 5.4575 5.4375 0.0675
WHEAT @W5K 5.6050 5.5750 5.6350 5.5750 0.0475
LIVE CATTLE @LE5J 192.650 195.950 192.650 196.000 192.550 -3.475
LIVE CATTLE @LE5M 188.775 192.225 188.775 192.300 188.675 -3.550
LEAN HOGS @HE5J 83.675 84.875 83.675 85.550 83.600 -0.700
LEAN HOGS @HE5K 87.425 89.800 87.425 89.875 87.300 -1.325
DTN Click here for info on Exchange delays.

Grain Bid Sheet

Published daily, five days a week, the bid sheet offers a detailed look at current and future cash grain prices, as well as basis points and futures prices for corn, soybeans and wheat at each of our grain delivery locations.

Contract Options

Selling grain on the futures market using contracts offered by Superior Ag can be a useful risk management tool. There are a number of different contracts designed to help our customers sell grain more profitably. To learn which contracts make the most sense for your operation, please contact our grain marketing department and set up an appointment with one of our marketing specialists.

Superior Ag has an ownership stake with Central Kentucky Grain (CKG), a 660,000-bushel grain storage facility in Lebanon, Kentucky.

CKG stores, moves and handles corn, soybeans and wheat and sells to a variety of end users. Soybeans, for example, are turned into soybean meal is used to for livestock nutrition. CKG sells most of the corn to bourbon distilleries around the state.

The partnership of CKG and Superior Ag provides security for our marketing arm to keep local producers, distilleries, and other markets connected. Other advantages of the partnership include combined marketing expertise and business collaboration from both entities, to create immediate growth to CKG.

Contact CKG:  502-233-4165

Grain Locations & Team

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