No Shortage Here

They’re calling it the propane crisis in the Midwest. Some producers in the northern part of the Midwest are waiting at least a week before they can have access to propane gas, so they can dry their corn.
From the late planted spring, became a delayed crop maturity this fall, coupling with some of the coldest days on record. Farmers are receiving added pressure from the limited propane in the Midwest. Because of the late fall, farmer’s usage of propane has increased due to the amount they are needing to dry their corn before storing it for the winter months. The shortages are causing some increases in the price and even some states declaring a state of emergency.
The shortage of propane isn’t from the lack of propane supply. Instead, the challenge is getting propane to the right place at the right time. Supply issues are caused by limits on safe transportation of propane from supply points, as well as pipeline capacity limitations.
Our SynEnergy team has been keeping a constant eye on the supply demands and has been and is still well prepared for the remainder of harvest and well into next year. With this, there are no propane supply shortages from any of our SynEnergy customers. They will continue to maintain the propane supply to meet the needs and abilities of our member-customers through the 2019-2020 winter months.
To schedule a LP propane delivery to your home, business or farm contact our SynEnergy team at: 866-329-0081