7 Tips To Gear Up For Fall Burndown
Megan Hasenour | Marketing Communications Manager
There are just a few of the benefits of an effective fall burndown: clean fields in the spring, one-time planting and fewer pest havens. Now is the time to think about your burndown strategy.
1. Take a look back.
Did you do a fall burndown last year? If so, what worked well? What didn’t? If you didn’t do a fall burndown, were there any consequences? What weeds were most prevalent in your fields in 2018? Answering these questions will help you devise a plan and sort through what herbicides would work best on your acres.
2. Take annuals down.
Winter annuals germinate in autumn, so fall burndown is the perfect opportunity to nip these pests, which include fall-emerging marestail, chickweed and henbit, in the bud. A fall burndown can also provide some residual protection against summer annuals.
3. Don’t rely solely on residual protection.
Even if you do a highly effective fall burndown to control fall weeds, you’ll still need to apply a preemergence herbicide in the spring to control waterhemp, Palmer amaranth, and other weeds and grasses.
4. No-till? No question.
If you are a no-till farmer, you should absolutely consider a fall burndown. Clean fields in the spring mean better seedbed preparation and timely planting.
5. Don’t forget the adjuvant.
The goal of any herbicide application any time of year is to get as much product as possible to the target weed or soil, so choosing the right adjuvant for the burndown system you use is key.
6. Minimize pest havens.
A fall burndown gives insects fewer places to hide and thrive.
7. Time applications right.
Drier is better. To avoid heavy dew, don’t spray early in the morning. Mid-morning to evening is the best time to apply a fall burndown herbicide. Another reason to spray in the fall is that soils are usually drier. This helps minimize compaction compared to waiting until spring when soils are potentially wetter.
It pays to be proactive and consistent to achieve season-long weed control, so be sure to get an early start by doing an effective fall burndown.