Sheep & Goat
MineralHubbard Blueprint Goat Mineral
Stand-alone trace mineral nutrition program formulated to maximize the genetic potential of goats through all phases of production. Blueprint Supports enhanced reproduction, immunity, digestion and weaning weights.
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Blueprint® Goat Mineral is a coarse mineral designed to be fed at
1 ounce per head per day year-round to improve performance in all phases of goat production.
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Blueprint® Goat Mineral #67148
Calcium (Ca), min %14.3
Calcium (Ca), max %17.1
Phosphorus, min %7.0
Salt (NaCl), min %18.0
Salt (NaCl), max %21.6
Copper, min (PPM)725
Copper, max (PPM)870
Selenium, min (PPM)25.0
Vitamin A, min (IU/lb.)400,000
Vitamin D, min (IU/lb.)40,000
Vitamin E, min (IU/lb.) 2,500
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WARNING: This product, which contains added copper, should not be fed to sheep or related species that have a low tolerance to copper.
This product has been formulated specifically for goats and is not intended for other species.
CAUTION: Follow label directions. The addition to feed of higher levels of this mineral containing added selenium is not permitted.
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Feed free-choice to growing and adult goats at the rate of 1.0 ounce per head per day
along with good quality forage. Provide a source of clean, fresh drinking water.